Thursday, January 9, 2014

Illumination Award Winner! Invisible Illness, Visible God

The results of the 2013 Illumination Awards have been posted, and Invisible Illness, Visible God has won a bronze medal in the Devotional category!

"With the motto, "Shining a Light on Exemplary Christian Books," the Illumination Book Awards are designed to honor the year’s best new titles written and published with a Christian worldview."

I'm greatly honored that Invisible Illness, Visible God: When Pain Meets the Power of an Indestructible Life was chosen. We pray that others will continue to be strengthened and encouraged through God's word and the sharing of our journey.

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you..."
~ Ephesians 1:18 


stephanie said...

Congratulations!! You, and your book, are such treasures.

stephanie said...

Congratulations!! You, and your book, are more than deserving of this honor.

Merry said...

Thanks so much, Stephanie!