Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Spring! Chocolate & Beehive Reader Giveaway!

UPDATE: Congratulations to the winner, Teacherpippi!

Just a short break from my Grace in Our Time of Need series for something a little lighter... (I've never had a giveaway before!)

So, do you like chocolate?

Do you like adorable characters in your children's early readers?

Marie Rippel, the author of All About Spelling has published her new Beehive Reader 1 with gorgeous illustrations by artists Dave LaTulippe and Donna Goeddaeus. The reader is SO cute! (Even my 12 yo son thinks kids and parents will enjoy it--he asked if he could read it while he was waiting to use the computer. About page 70 he said, "This is really nice, parents are really going to like this for their kids. It's a good book to snuggle with. And it's a lot better than what I had to learn to read with!")

(Cobweb the Cat thinks so too).

So, what does this have to do with chocolate?

One of the illustrators (Donna Goeddaeus) is a chocolatier. She does all the artwork for her chocolates (and if you like horses, you'll want to check out her site!).

Anyway...Marie has donated a Beehive Reader 1 AND the above-pictured box of chocolates as a giveaway! These chocolates are hand made with rich, creamy European Chocolate. And the little bunny you see in the center is solid hand molded milk chocolate.

Here's a close-up of the picture on the lid:

To enter, click on the link for the Beehive Reader 1, check out the sample stories, and pick a favorite character. Then post in the comments section here. Everyone who votes will be entered in a random drawing for a half-pound box of Donna's Happy Spring Chocolate collection and a Beehive Reader 1. Comments must be posted by Monday, May 4th, and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 5th. Have fun :-).

Merry :-)


Tiffany said...

Definitely Cobweb the Cat! So cute...


Linda said...

Who can resist a good book along with chocolate?

The reader looks really nice. Could not really pick a favorite character but I was liking the sample pages from the pond.


Robin E. said...

Okay, the cat is the cutest. How could you resist it?

I read through the pond story with my K'er, sounding it out for him and reading it. So sweet, and really, really interesting considering it is a primary reader. Lovely work.

Jennifer (jandjsoulmates) said...

My favorite character... that's tough as they are all so adorable! However, if I had to pick just one, I'd have to go with the pups in a cup. They are soooo cute!

Merry, you recently turned me on to All About Spelling - along with a friend of mine - and I bought it and am loving it so far! As are the kids! Thanks for helping me out in the spelling department!

I do need to say that it would be really nice to see some more diversity in the readers. Two of my kids are Haitian and they've expressed dismay that most of the things they do for school do not include other black kids.

But, the reader looks great and I had contemplated getting it when I made my order for the spelling program, but couldn't at this time.

Thanks for the contest - I'm really hoping I win - I'm out of chocolate and am having some pretty intense cravings LOL

See ya at Sonlight, Merry!

Sheilby said...

I think I'll have to go with the bear from The Nap. He makes me want to go and drag out my old Teddy Bear and cuddle up.

Unknown said...

My seven year old and I liked the nap the best. After looking at the samples, she asked if we could get the book.

Melissa said...

I love the soft pups in cups in "Ten Wishes". Thanks Merry. I'm also trying All About Spelling for our next school year, because of your recommendation. I like all that I have read about it and I think it will be better than what we have been using. I'd love to have the Reader to go with it.

Suzanne said...

Cobweb the Cat is adorable! I also liked the bear who slept through everything. :-)

c_and_s said...

I like the napping cub. The pictures make me want to snuggle with him -- so cuddly.

I'm impressed with this reader. I'm definitely going to look into it after my little son finishes his Reader Rabbit books -- this looks like the perfect step up. Heh, heh, and I like the characters way better than the RR characters.

Christine said...

I like the napping bear best, mostly because I'd like to be napping right now!

Scooter from SL

Anonymous said...

I love the ox with the clocks. I thought it was going to be the frog- but once I saw the ox! :)

bzmom (Marla)

Marie Rippel said...

Jennifer: You bring up a great point. We'll pay more attention to diversity in skin color in the future readers!

Anonymous said...

Those cutie pups in a cup are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Merry, That book is so cute! I liked the Ox with the clocks best I think. Though Cobweb is pretty darn cute as well! I'll see you at SL. :)

Jennifer in AZ

Traci said...

What great illustrations. Ben sitting in the sand pit was my favorite as it reminds me of my little guy.

Ruby said...

I vote for Cobweb the Cat! We will be ordering AAS soon, based on your recommendation & those of others in SL land. I am hoping it will be helpful to my reluctant reader!

Unknown said...

I think Jill's my favorite. I love her looking at all the junk in the shed with her hands on her hips! Although if I had to pick an animal, I'd say the sleepy bear was pretty cute.

I think I am buying this reader. It's beautiful!

Kim D. said...

I like the cute frog, but Dan looks like a sweet, silly boy we would love to read about.

Monica F. said...

The illustrations are all so beautifully done, but my favorite animal is the fox from "At Camp". He just looks so real to me. Love them!

Chris said...

Cobweb the Cat is the winner for me! But you know that I am partial to cats! ;O)

Have a great day,

Lady J said...

My 9 year old liked the big fat mouse with the funny hat at the beginning of "Ten Wishes". I am going to begin this program in June (I school year round) to help my 9 year old slow reader and 11 year old poor speller!
Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Marie said...

Cobweb the Cat is too cute. I love the illustrations! Do you know if there will be more readers coming soon?

Chocolate mmmmmm. :D

Merry said...

Marie does have more readers planned but there isn't a release date for the next one yet. My kids are anxiously awaiting them!

Merry :-)

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter? My favourite character is Cobweb the Cat.