Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dave's Perspective on Lyme Disease

I love those moments when I get to hear how God is working in Dave's life.  This was one of those times.

 How has Lyme Disease changed the way you think about your life?

 Life is short-honor God with all of your time.

 I need to BE more and not just DO.  Doing must come out of who we are in Christ.

 God has broken me and is letting me start over.  Will I let him use me as a vessel for His glory?

 God has kept me around for a purpose--I have been close to death three times:

  • Rupturing my spleen in 1979 
  • Lyme undiagnosed for 15 years that started affecting my heart 
  • Lost half of my blood in 2003 due to undetected slow-bleeding ulcers 

 So, what is this purpose of God's? Am I willing to be used?  I want to be willing to say like Isaiah, "Here am I, send me."

See More Stories of Hope
See Lyme Resources

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