Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ice Storms!

I had to share a few pictures. This is our street. It's hard to do it justice in pictures, but the sun shining in the trees sparkled in a rainbow of colors. Thankfully we didn't have any significant damage, and not too many people here have lost power. I'll have to get a picture of our neighbor's evergreen tree that's looking more like a pole these days.

Amazingly, with the temperate weather in November, some things started to bud again. Our black-eyed susans had sprouted whole new plants!

Here you can see new leaves on our neighbor's lilac bush.


Kim & Dave said...

Very pretty!

I love seeing the sun on the icy trees!

Chris said...

As much as I don't like being cold, I have to admit that it is gorgeous outside! Love your blog, Merry...

God bless,